You will be visiting LOMBARDY, in the two provinces of Bergamo and Brescia. In this bike tour of three days, you can discover some of the most beautiful villages in Italy, we are lucky to have around us. Ancient villages rich in history and traditions, and although very different, linked to one an another. Our offer, organized in collaboration with the travel agency "Ilioproget", will take you to Bienno Camonica valley, Lovere, and Monte Isola on lake Iseo. For those who want to spend one more day with us, propose the extention to an unmissable fourth village "among the most beautiful in Italy" Gromo, in Seriana valley. In this way you will complete the visit of two villages perched on the sloped valleys rich in history and two other villages overlooking lake Iseo.

Long weekend by bike exploring Bienno in Camonica Valley, Lovere and Monte Isola on Lake Iseo. Gromo on request